Celebrating the Douglas College Veterinary Technology Program’s 10th Anniversary on October 4, 2017! Dr. Stanley Coren generously donated his time to support both the SPCA Vancouver Hospital Trust Fund and the Douglas College Veterinary Technology Program by presenting “Pawprints of History”. Dr. Coren is a UBC Professor Emeritus in the Department of Psychology who is best known to the general public for his best-selling and award winning books regarding dogs’ intelligence, cognitive abilities, and place in history. Thanks to Jayme Dunn of Magic Box Photos for the photographs (Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/magicboxphotos; Instagram – @jaymeisdunn)
To save and enhance animals’ lives by directing funds to support the work of the SPCA hospitals for the care of more animals in need.
Since 1995, many hundreds of animals have survived due to the support they received from the Trust. Donate and make a difference today.
Charity Registration #: 889359998 RR0001
1205 East 7th Ave,
Vancouver, BC V5T 1R1
Phone: (604) 681-7271
Fax: (604) 879-4328